Sunday, May 4, 2014

New chapters come with new challenges.

"Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more." (Luke 12:48b ESV)

What an exciting few weeks I've had! My parents came to visit for 8 days over Easter, which also happened to be my birthday. I loved showing them around my home and getting to experience everything with fresh eyes! I was sad to have them leave, but life must go on.

And go on it did!

My time here has been fruitful. I have grown immensely in my faith as I have seen God at work in my life, the lives of my friends and the lives of my kids. And every time I get to a point where I am content with what is going on, He likes to throw another challenge into my pot. Just to keep things interesting.

And my newest challenge is a big one.

The ministry I work with started our very own school the last week of April. That way all of our kids could attend the same school, we could cut costs for tuition, and offer sound, Godly schooling for our kids, as well as some from the community.

About a month back, Pastor Samuel, the Nepali national who runs our children's home, asked me what classes I would like to teach at the new school... I was a caught just a bit off guard. I'm not a teacher. And I don't have the time to try and pretend like I am.

So, I told him that if the school could supply me with a VISA, sign me up! But as of yet, they don't have the government clearance to do that. And unfortunately, I just don't have time to juggle that with the rest of my responsibilities.

But he was having none of it.

So again, about two weeks later, Samuel asked me what classes I could teach. Highly recommending that I teach English to the older kids.

I made sure he knew I have zero qualifications. But to him, speaking English as my mother tongue is all the qualification that I need!

So early April 28th, I found myself at our new school. In a classroom. Facing twelve 6th graders. Armed with some blank printer paper.

All of a sudden, I became a teacher.

Now, I teach English to grades 5-8. I get each class for one 45-minute period on Monday and Wednesday mornings.

With no curriculum, and basically no clue what I'm doing, I'm positive that I have never enjoyed something so much.

I get to spend extra time with my kids each week! What more could a girl want?

After much research, talking with good friends who are REAL teachers and spending a lot of time talking with Jesus... I think I just might be able to do this.

The first day of classes, I walked into the 8th grade classroom and was met with some confused stares. And almost in unison they all said, "Megan sister, what are you doing here?"

In the vein of being honest, I simply replied, "I have no idea! You'll have to help me figure that out."

In all of my classes this first week, we laughed, learned, played games and endured those awkward silences that I'm sure teachers have nightmares about.

And I loved every. Single. Second.

That being said... any teachers out there... tips, tricks and fun classroom games are most appreciated!

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