Sunday, May 25, 2014

If not you, then who?

"For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, 'You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.'" (Deuteronomy 15:11 ESV)

Normally I'm not a shameless promotion kind of person, but when it comes to my kids, "shameless promotion" is my middle name.

In the last month or so, we have received 14 new children from all across Nepal. They all have different stories, different hurts and heartaches, different smiles. And each one of them is so precious to us.

But with new kids comes new costs. We have more hungry mouths to feed, more sweet heads to shelter. Out of the 14 new kids we have, only 5 of them have been sponsored. That means we have 9 left who have yet to get sponsors.

Here are 5 of our kiddos who need sponsors. From left to right: Sabita, Prem, Jeewan, Khem, and Bharpur.

This is Khem! He is our newest little boy, he's 5 years old. He arrived this past week from the Everest region. Social services brought him to us.

This is Manisha! She is 3 years old. She lives at our campus with her mom and older brother. She has been with us for a while, but still needs a sponsor!

Now that I have inundated you with cute faces, I have a very serious question to ask.

Would you consider sponsoring a child? 

We have full sponsorships and half sponsorships available. Not only for the kids in the pictures, but for numerous others that God has brought to us. I want to answer any and all of your questions about our kids who need sponsors, what being a sponsor entails, how to go about the process, and anything else you want answered.

This ministry provides food, a safe place to live, private schooling, and more Jesus than could be imagined. It's so important for us to help these children. For us to be the hands and feet of Jesus. But we need sponsors so that we can continue to do this. 

Would you pray and ask God if you should sponsor one of our children? 

I know this is a big commitment, but consider this...

If not you, then who?

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