Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Random Smattering.

"May the God of hope will you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." (Romans 15:13 ESV)

I have to brag on God a little more right now. I am LOVING my time here in Nepal. He is giving me strength, peace, patience, hope, and joy. I am so incredibly thankful for those gifts. I am in a time of abundance and blessing in my life.

This time around, again, my blog post is going to be littered with a random smattering of occurrences that made up my last week. It was an interesting one, to say the least.

This last week was election week here in Nepal (thank you to those of you who were praying). It was a strange week. Monday night, as my roommate and I were laying on her bed watching Downton Abbey on her laptop, we heard bombs going off. After doing some research, and hearing from several different people, we found out that they went off in Kuleshwar, about 2 miles from where we live. It was a strange experience lying in bed that night with the sound of bombs lulling me to sleep, and not a very goodnights sleep, either. Tuesday (election day) was fairly uneventful. Millions of people made their way to the polls peacefully. Praise God!

I continued language learning this week. My teacher has the misconception that I am gifted at speaking languages (I can barely speak English). She is throwing a lot at me, and it's a little overwhelming. My roommate is a gem, and is helping me study in between my classes, which are three times a week. We even try to study ahead sometimes (adding to my teacher's misconception, I'm sure). I'm excited to continue learning Nepali! I love seeing peoples faces light up when I try and have a conversation with them (TRY being the keyword).

Another glimpse into my new life...I got hit by a bicycle this week! I was walking to the store, he was toting empty water jugs on the back of his bike. We made eye contact, he tried to steer around me. His front wheel hit a rock, and I knew it: there would be a collision. The Nepali man lost his balance, and his bike started to tip towards me. In a last ditch effort, I tried to jump out of the way, but I was too late. His front handle bar slammed into my right hip and sent me to the ground. My rear end is a little sore, and I have a righteous bruise on my hip...but it's all a part of the adventure!

Thursday I took my roommate down to our campus to meet some of the kids. We laughed, played hopscotch, listened to the little girls sing, and helped with some studying. I loved how eager the younger girls were to include, play with, and love on my roomie. Friday I practiced English with Sunu and Junu, the two ladies who work at our pasal (that's store in Nepali). They are such a joy to be around! They love to giggle, make language mistakes, teach me Nepali, and soak in the English lessons. Although I don't have much to teach them, I love getting to spend time with these two ladies.

This last Friday was my mom's 29th birthday (you're welcome, Mom). I have to admit that it made me incredibly homesick. But it gave me another opportunity to lean on the Comforter. And when I was feeling pretty low, I was able to think back  on memories that my mom and I have together. While looking at pictures and videos brings on the water works, I loved sitting in my living room with a cup of tea and a blanket that my mom's grandma had made, and knowing how much sweeter those memories will become as this year goes on.

This morning I had the chance to lead worship at the international church I attend here. It was a blast! I loved being able to have that opportunity, and to get to play alongside friends of mine. I loved worshipping with people from all over the world. I met three siblings visiting from Finland, a girl my age from Canada, and a lady from England. All before lunch! I'm excited to be a part of the worship team here, and I can't wait to continue to serve in that way!

This next week is going to be a difficult one for's Thanksgiving. My first holiday away from home. If it crosses your mind, would you say a quick prayer for me while you're gathered together with your families? That God would ease my heart and my homesickness, and that He would give me great new memories of my own. And please, CHERISH the time you have to spend with your family. Knowing that you're all doing that will make me feel better.

My roommate and I being a little touristy today at Patan Durbar Square.

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