Sunday, November 10, 2013

Holding hands.

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 ESV)

It's funny how having your hand held can mean so many different things. If your dad holds your hand, you feel safe. If your mom holds your hand, you feel loved. If your significant other holds your hand, you feel cherished. If your best friend holds your hand, you're content.

This week, I had my hand held by many different children. Some because they were happy to see me, some because their feelings had been hurt, and some just because. And every time I felt a tug on my arm, and looked down to see a small brown hand fitting into my ghostly white one, I felt something...I felt AT HOME. Like I belong. Like I'm right where I'm supposed to be.

And when three young girls tried to steal my purse this week, I held each of their hands. And I asked their names and how they were doing. I took time to love them the way that Christ would have wanted me to. And now, thanks to my new friends, not only do I have a heightened sense of security, but I have three more sets of hands that I love to hold.

Each person has something in their lives that makes them feel that way. It could be a hug from a certain person, a job well done, a scripture that holds special meaning. For me, it's holding hands with someone who wants desperately to be loved, and to give love. It's the impish grin of a little girl who feels like she's putting her hand in the cookie jar just by sitting in my lap. The sideways glance and slight smirk of a preteen boy who doesn't want you to know that he enjoys your company. Those are the things that make me feel like I belong here. The things that I look forward to, and back on, when I'm having a hard day.

I can't encourage you enough to find that one thing, or two if you're lucky, that make you feel at home. Maybe a cozy blanket, or a sweatshirt that smells like your grandpa. Maybe a picture that brings tears of joy to your eyes. Or, for my roommate, the rain. It's in these things that God gives confirmation, comfort, and a glimpse of eternity. At least he has for me.

Confirmation that I'm right where he wants me. Comfort that no matter where in the world I am, I am loved. And a glimpse of eternity...that somehow God is using me to impact the lives of these women and children for His kingdom and His glory.

And he is using you, too. As a Christian example to your children and coworkers. As an encourager to your hurting friends. As a vessel through which Christ shines. I am praying those things for you. Since I have been here, I have come to truly enjoy time spent praying for other people. It's no longer a checklist or a chore. But something I'm excited to do everyday when I do my devotions. My prayer this week has been that people wouldn't forget that being on mission isn't defined as global actions. They are urban. In your backyard. Literally. In your work place, at the grocery store, amongst your non-believing family members.

This week as you're praying, please pray for yourself! That you wouldn't lose sight of the missions opportunities right in front of you, and that you would also be mindful of global partners like myself and missionaries I work with here. That's my prayer for all of you. Also, that you would find something to "hold your hand."

Wow, it's hard to believe that it's been a month already! A month ago today I was loaded into a van on my way to the airport! It has flown by, and I feel like I left home yesterday. This week the kids had a break from school for 3 days for the festival of Tihar. So I was able to spend a little extra time loving on them, my favorite thing to do! I'll be getting into the swing of things these next two weeks.

Please be praying for the upcoming weeks in Nepal. It's election season, and tomorrow there is supposed to be a complete bundha (strike), which means EVERYTHING will be closed down, all the shops. And the rest of the week there is supposed to be a transportation strike, so no public transportation will be allowed on the streets. Pray for the safety of everyone here during election time, as it is pretty tense. And pray that God's will would be done in the government.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Megan!! I ran across your blog on the Canyon Hills Community Church app on my windows phone. I read up on your blog and I am very proud of you and your commitment to Christ. It is hard to say that without it sounding condescending but it is the truth. You are in my prayers and I know that while you are impacting lives, you will be transformed. God bless!!
