Sunday, February 16, 2014

It's all about the feet.

"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns." (Isaiah 52:7 ESV)

This week during my time spent with God, and my time spent trying to survive life, there has been one word that has been constantly on my mind: feet. At first, it seemed weird. I don't like feet, I think they are gross, and they kind of weird me out. So for me to be thinking about feet so much this week seemed really strange.

But as the week went on, the more I understood why THAT was the word on my mind and in my heart. Life is all about the feet. In more ways than one.

Feet are the avenue by which you go places. They take you out of bed to the shower, from your door to your car, from your cubicle to your boss's office. They carry you through life, literally. But they don't have a mind of their own. You have to tell your feet where to take you.

My feet brought me here to Nepal (well actually is was a plane, but that's beside the point). My feet walked away from my parents at the airport. My feet dragged me up the stairs to my flat for the first time. They bring me to kids. Jesus' feet took him to heal the sick. His feet carried his limp body through the streets and up the hill to where his life would be given for us.

God gave me feet to use. And I do my best to make sure they are being used in a way that honors him. But that is a choice I have to make. I must tell my feet what to do, where to go.

There's a saying that goes like this, "A man's feet point at what he wants." Whether that's someone of the opposite gender, a nice car, or a certain flavor of ice cream. Now, I don't know how much I believe that, but I'll go with it to explain my next point.

Over the course of my life, my feet have pointed at a lot of different things. Things that I thought were important, things that I wanted. Things like acceptance, beauty, excellence, worldly happiness.

It wasn't until pretty recently that God showed me that at no point in my life had my feet been pointing at him. Trust me when I say that this realization will ruin your day in one swift kick. If my feet are supposed to point at what I want, and I called myself a Christian, shouldn't they have been pointing at God the whole time? Shouldn't I start each day with my feet pointed his way?

It was shortly after God readjusted the direction of me feet that he called me to Nepal. That's when his will for my life was put in to action. When I was fully focused on him. When things like popularity and perfection no longer clouded my judgement. It's a daily struggle to keep my feet pointed at Jesus. But there has never been a more worthwhile struggle in my life.

Now I've come to most important feet there are. Well, actually, it would be called "foot." I bet you can guess what it is...that's right. The foot of the cross. There is no better place to be than at the foot of the cross. There's no better place to lay your life, your desires. Your hopes, dreams, joys, and sorrows. It's where God calls us to, exactly where he wants us.

Usually, instead of doing what I know is right, I like to hold on to what I want. Not what God wants. I always want MY will to be done, because I'm terrified that it won't line up with God's will. That I won't get the things that I want in life. That I'll be left dissatisfied and frustrated.

But, in my limited experience, I have come to realize that there is no sweeter victory than submitting to Christ. "Delight yourself in The Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart" (Psalm 37:4). My delight has become daily giving my life to God. Coming to him with every fear, every triumph. Giving him my plans, knowing that his are FAR better than anything I could imagine for myself.


What are you doing with your feet?

Are you bringing the gospel to your coworkers, your lost family members? Are you using your feet to take you where God is calling you to go? Even if that's not easy?

Are your feet pointed at him? Or are they pointed at success, money, and recognition? Are you making an effort to desire closeness with Christ?

Most importantly...are you laying your life at the foot of the cross? Are you giving EVERYTHING to God? Are you trusting him to provide? To come to your rescue? To lay before you a path that leads towards him? Towards heaven?

Believe me when I say this...I DO NOT HAVE IT ALL FIGURED OUT. In fact, I probably have less of a handle on it than most people. But the important thing is that I TRY. I don't give up, even when it seems like the best option. I don't say that it's too hard, because God is my strength. I don't retreat in hopes that tomorrow it will become easier, there will always be obstacles in my way.

Trust me, I have a lot of second thoughts. I'm human. I mess up. I doubt God. And I have a feeling that you do, too.

But remember this...


He will never leave you hanging. He gave everything for you. EVERYTHING. And he is asking that same thing from each of us. And the best that we, sinful humans can do is try.

1 comment:

  1. Megan,

    This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us about "Feet" and "Foot". In Ephesians 6:15 we read, "and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace." As disciples of Christ, we should start our day putting on the Armor of God to stand firm for God and be obedient to Him.

    Megan, thank you for your work for the Lord and bringing the gospel of peace where God takes your feet.

    May the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you,
