Sunday, December 22, 2013

What is the point?

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." (Romans 1:16 ESV)

Christmas time is upon us! This is my second favorite holiday ever, second only slightly to Easter.

It's strange celebrating Christmas in Nepal. My roommate and I decorated our flat to the nines...lights, ornaments, trees, stockings, beads. Everything needed to make it feel like I'm celebrating Christmas at home. And then I step outside, and it's just another day. No lights. No Christmas trees in the town square. No bustle of Christmas shoppers buying gifts last minute. No Christmas spirit.

Which makes me ask myself, what's the point? Why do we concern ourselves so much with decorations, presents, and atmosphere when that's not what it's all about? Now, I love Christmas. I would celebrate it all year long if I could (yes, I'm one of those Christmas-music-the-day-after-Halloween-is-ok kind of people). But if we striped away all the frivolities, go back to the core, would we still be as excited about the Christmas season?

This Wednesday during my language lesson I was telling my teacher, Usha, about Christmas. How we decorate, buy presents for each other, eat special foods, and spend time with loved ones. And the whole time, in the back of my mind, I couldn't help but think "none of this matters without Jesus."

Usha told me how her 12-year-old son LOVES Christmas. She's Hindu. So is he. But at school the teachers talk about Christmas as an American holiday. They even share the story of Jesus! She said that her son wants to celebrate Christmas so that he can get presents. But Usha said they won't be celebrating it this year. She "just doesn't understand the story of Jesus." What an opportunity God handed me. On a silver platter.

And what did I do?

I scooted around it. Pretended it wasn't happening. I told myself that I shouldn't offend her by talking about my relationship with Jesus.

So I didn't say anything. I just smiled politely and continued talking about my Christmas traditions.

I haven't stopped kicking myself. I am so ashamed and angry that I didn't talk about the ONE THING that matters most to me. The one thing that could save her life.

If nothing else, a seed of truth could have been planted in her heart. Maybe Jesus wouldn't be so confusing for her.

Since then, every time I spend time with God, I am convicted. Reminded of the incredible opportunity to change a life. How I skirted around it. How I was uncomfortable. Maybe it's my guilty conscious, or maybe it's God reminding me of the point of Christmas.

It's not the lights. It's not the gifts. It's not spending time with family that you haven't seen all year. Those things are nice, I get it. I love those things! But if that was all taken away. If all we were left with was the simple, yet complicated truth of the gospel...would I get as worked up about it? Would I want to celebrate Christmas as much, or as long?

I sure hope the answer would be yes.

This season has been one of realization for me. I have never been so effected by the birth of Jesus Christ as I have been here in Nepal. I have never wanted Christmas to be so much about HIM as I have this last month.

The point of Christmas is to give honor, glory, and praise due to God. To celebrate the beginning of a beautiful love story. The most beautiful of all time. The ultimate sacrifice, that we tend to sweep under the rug, and replace with failing, passing excitement. The love of THINGS, not the love of GOD.

And how that breaks my heart.

My roommate and I have resolved that tomorrow at my language lesson we are going to share the story of Jesus' birth with my teacher. How God loves us more than we could ever hope to fathom. How he gave up his son to a depraved world. To be mocked, scorned, and ultimately killed. All so we could know him. Have a RELATIONSHIP with him. And this is how it began. Jesus. Born in a manger. A humble life, a humble man, an incredible God.

At a time when I should be heart broken because I can't be home celebrating Christmas with my family, I am at peace. God is bringing me back to the REAL reason for the season. He is constantly reminding me of his affection for me, his ultimate provision, and his all encompassing sovereignty.

So today I am thankful for THE Jesus. Thankful for reality checks. For opportunities to talk about my incredible savior. To rest in the peace that God has to offer.

I am thankful that JESUS is the point.

1 comment:

  1. What convicting words you share, Megan! "I have come that you might have life and life more abundant." John 10:10. He is our life because He is life! May The Lord guide you as you share your gospel story with your language teacher! The church in Nepal grows one soul at a time. Diane and I are so glad you are there! With great thanks we wish you and Stephanie and the Garrisons and all the others a very Merry Christmas!
