Sunday, April 13, 2014

Wowed and oh, so proud.

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith."  (Galatians 6:9-10 ESV)

Do you ever have those moments when you think your heart might burst? I've had a few of those this week. But don't worry, they were all good moments!

This past week we had a team from Australia in the city putting on a vacation bible school for the kids at our campus. It was so much fun. The kids had a great time singing, learning about Jesus, and playing games. And the team really began to bond with some of our kids!

And it was during the second day of VBS that I felt my heart beginning to swell.

I saw Sujan, one of our older boys, seek out and walk over to the only guy on the team from Australia. He proceeded to exhaust his English knowledge having a conversation. And that was a sweet sight. But what impressed me the most, and made me most proud, was that he walked away from a group of the other older boys who were playing a game together.

He left something that he enjoyed in order to care for someone he barely knew.

How often do we do that? Stop what were doing (especially something we like to do) to make sure that someone feels loved and important. I know that I don't do that nearly as often as I should.

The next day it swelled a bit more. I saw Saroja, one of our teenage girls, give her craft to a younger girl who didn't get one. Soroja had worked hard to make her craft, and she was very proud of it, showing it off to the house moms and me. But as soon as she saw the downcast look of Sapana, she walked over and gifted her the craft.

When is the last time you gave something to someone who had nothing? Whether that's one dollar of the fifty you have in your wallet, or the last cookie in your pack of Oreos. Something so unimportant as that seems to be hard for most of us. Let alone something that is important to you, like Saroja's craft. I'm learning little by little the importance of sharing the blessings that God has given to me.

And I thought it might actually burst on our last day of VBS when I saw Premshila, one of our older girls who is a constant inspiration to me, helping one of our new little boys with instructions for a game they were learning. So simple. So easily unnoticed. But so important.

I can't remember the last time that I stopped to help someone who didn't understand what was going on. I tend to find it frustrating, and I don't help them with a kind heart. I do it out of selfish intentions. What a lesson I learned through Premshila.

These kids are always teaching me something. Always giving me little glimpses of Jesus. Always showing me how to be a better person.

I could not be more proud of who they are choosing to be. And I hope that someday I can be just like them. I can take the time to make someone feel important. I can give, not just out of my excess, but out of my everyday necessities. And that I can take the time to make sure someone who is falling behind begins to understand.

I want to be like these kids when I grow up. And I am beyond blessed to play a very small part in their growing relationships with Christ.

It's pretty cool.

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